Fighting a common enemy

The most difficult problem to solve is one that’s invisible or indescribable, a problem in which not everybody believes. It doesn’t have a single cause, but is rather an accumulation of many problems. Such a problem only becomes worse when left alone, and even worse; time is running out. What makes the most difficult kind […]

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The Great Gatsby review

It’s the 1922 version of today’s Rich Kids on Instagram. It’s a short book, but each sentence is so dense that it carries much weight. It’s a joy to read the sharp pen of Fitzgerald, and mystifying to witness the many symbols of the book, such as the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg, the parties, the […]

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Bits and Pieces review

“The road was clear and beautiful in front of me. I felt within me that urge, the sensation of speed, the feeling of tearing up the fine cool morning air as I got up to speed. I was out of sight of the pits and was making for the village of Gueux. As I changed […]

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