Old things in Shen’Ao

We’re in Shen’Ao (深澳村) near Tonglu (桐庐). The average age of the tourists is around thirty, while I’m sure the average age of the local residents is nearly double.

Most buildings are over a century old and in pretty bad shape — although I do think this used to be a comfortable village to live in, before its decay and before the tourists came. There are several tiny squares, a pond, mountains on one side, and the city of Tonglu nearby. Plus the buildings show a richness off the past. Big thick walls made of stones and rammed earth (夯土), and Hui architecture (徽派).

But that was before. Someone says: “This reminds me of my childhood”, but after a pause she adds: “But even then we didn’t even live in such poor buildings.”

The top line says: 祝毛主席万寿无疆 (Wishing Chairman Mao a long life).