Launch of the Year award!

Some days ago, Vandebron won the Launch of the Year award, from the Dutch Marketing Award. Especially for the marketing team, it’s great — because after all the awards Vandebron received for social and renewable impact, this is also a nod that our marketing is sound. Also, it’s special because what we do, doesn’t per se feel like marketing: We show where your energy comes from, with pictures, text and video. If you do that well, does it become marketing?

André Oerlemans wrote afterwards:
“The most endearing moment of the evening was the presentation of the Launch of the Year award, which went to Vandebron. According to jury chairman and former winner Erik van Engelen, the company didn’t fall into the typical tree-hugger approach, but opted for a fresh and bold marketing strategy. Marketers Jaap and Pieter stood somewhat confused on stage to receive the award:”This is our first job. We are fresh out of school, without any marketing experience. We basically just do what we think is right.”
