Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

PVG to AMS flight, another movie: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (春江水暖) from 2019 — shot in Hangzhu’s Fuyang district (富阳区). A slow but deep film that packs so much about a changing China and culture. Family, money, marriage, housing prices, the rising economy, taking care of elders.

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Chungking Express

Another long flight, watched Chungking Express (重庆森林) from my laptop. A dreamy movie about loneliness and love — while I’m half the world away from mine, makes me miss her even more. 10/10 cinematography, every shot is an artwork.

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Farewell My Concubine

Just watched “Farewell My Concubine” (霸王别姬). It’s not really a love drama, nor a historical film. It touches on several genres (It’s even a coming-of-age movie). It’s just incredibly poetic, and right away, I just want to watch it again from start to finish. What a masterpiece from 1993.

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Thirty Thousand Miles From Chang’an

We went to see 长安三万里 (Chang’An), a movie about Li Bai and other poets, as well as a part of Chinese history. The movie is a beautiful animation though I’m not sure who it’s made for. I guess the cartoonish looks made many parents believe this is for kids, but the dialogue, story & three-hour […]

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A touch of sin (天注定)

Maybe it’s because I’ve just been on a long trip, but watching ‘A touch of Sin’ (天注定) made me feel like being on one as well — to a place I cannot go back to now. China in 2013: Shanxi (山西), Chongqing (重庆), Hubei (湖北) & Guangdong (广东). Regardless of whether the story grabs you […]

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Her in Shanghai

I first watched “Her” nine years ago and loved it then: a science fiction movie, yet on a much more intimate level than pew-pew laserbeams or spacetravel. “Her” shows how difficult love is between humans, and how easy it can be between a human and a conscious yet bodyless operating system. When the movie ends, […]

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Old is the song, yet new is the messenger

This month I watched two nationalistic war movies, which use nationalism not just as a backbone to a story, but also because it sells. First; ‘Operation Red Sea’ (红海行动) is a Chinese war movie from 2018, and stands part for a larger phenomenon, namely China’s newly found identity and its nationalism which it no longer […]

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