Going back to your childhood is part of growing up

My dad always had these vinyl records and I never understood why. CD’s were long out and in comparison vinyl records are big and every four songs you have to turn them around. The sound quality isn’t that good either; they’re riddled with cracking noises. Also, I didn’t like his music, because what was popular […]

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Days that have everything

Maybe in a normal marketing career you’d want a high office you’d never have to leave because you’d have specialists all around you. You use consumer research or trend reports, and once a year go on a *consumer safari*. From your high office you never have to talk to *real people* (whatever that means). But […]

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The painting and the frame

Wherever you are in the world and whatever you want to do, you’re only a search entry away from learning how to do it. Write a novel? Here in five steps. Start a social media campaign? Forbes explains. Make a professional photo? Download an app. And all the apps and advice you’ll find on the […]

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