Day of the Jackal review

Exponential storytelling. Slow to start, but after three-quarters of the book, it becomes utterly gripping. There’s a great level of detail and the amount of work put into an assassination is made clear, and works around the central theme of how a professional is less likely to make mistakes rather than a murder committed in […]

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Lolita review

If you want a joyful or entertaining book to read, look elsewhere. Lolita is slow to read and the story itself, dare I say it; boring. Yet Lolita consists of prose perfection on a grim subject, and I learned afterwards that the book helped introduce the idea (and policing) of sex abuse of children in […]

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What sport says

This week, a political party in Catalunya, Spain, labelled grid girls as the reducing of woman to lust objects, and announced its intention to ban these girls from the MotoGP and Formula One events that are held in Catalunya each year. In a discussion on Reddit, the common reaction was that the girls have to […]

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Does the quality of your life come from the quality of your decisions? Or, does the quality of your decisions come from the quality of your life? At first this seems like a chicken-and-egg kind of dilemma, a search for causality. But the present day mantra lays heavily on the former; decision making is the ultimate solution to […]

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