2011 april fools

I suppose April 2 is a good day to look back on the ‘not-so-serious’ announcements made yesterday, although most of them where made pretty seriously. `

The business-oriented social networking site filled the usual ‘People You May Know’ with some rather unusual names.

Playmobile Apple Store
This might actually have a chance of succeeding, since some Apple-fanatics are so exhilarated about the brand, they’d have this just cause it’s avaible. Includes Steve Jobs, iPads and a long queue.

The folks of Amsterdam get a happy surprise when Heineken fools with their bikes!

Heineken Beerpad
From the Netherlands, a prank too good to be true, a nice and cool beer instead of the usual coffee.

Including a website: http://www.bierpad.nl/

Google Mail Motion BETA
Motion tracker for Google Mail.

Another one from Google. Comic Sans is usually the target for type-jokes. When you searched for Helvetica you’d get this:

The American brand Razer, known for computer devices like keyboards, mouses, headsets, etc, specialised for gamers, made up a new device, the Razer Talon.

Continue reading here: http://www.razerzone.com/razer-talon

Starcraft is returning to the consoles, with motion-controller Kinect.

Google did something similar a few years ago – website in 3D.

The website of Soundcloud, was, hmm, a bit different. It’s often named the MySpace successor, so it opted to go with a sort of poorly designed MySpace profile-style.