Personal details
Name: Jaap Grolleman
Birthday: 15th July 1989
Nationality: Dutch
Hobbies: Writing, reading, photography, motorbikes, history
Favourite books: The Fountainhead, Ender’s Game, Libra
Favourite films: Samsara, Another Earth
Language skills: I speak Dutch and English fluently
Key qualifications: Advertising/marketing/branding strategy, content marketing, copywriting
Applications: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Google Docs, Joomla, WordPress, Mailchimp, Salesforce, Marketing Cloud, Sketch, Balsamiq
Strategy planner
July 2016 – present
KesselsKramer is an international creative communications agency based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Worked/working for: Greenpeace, Provamel, Timberland, citizenM, Lotto Sport Italia, Jantje Beton, Greystar, Public House of Art, NEMO Science Museum, Comité 4&5 mei, Beeld&Geluid, Bits of Freedom, UNESCO.
Copy & content
January 2016 – June 2016
February 2014 – December 2015
I helped built Vandebron’s brand, voice and identity. Initially through copywriting, graphic design, photography, PR, event management and social media — later on leading a small team that did this, producing and publishing content like videos and photos on a weekly basis. In these two-and-a-half years, Vandebron grew from 0 to 100.000+ customers.
“Vandebron has hands down the highest quality social media presence, the customer engagement speaks for itself. Vandebron have 25 time the engagement of CEC, with very high rates of sharing and comments. Furthermore, 9o% of Vandebron’s Facebook posts are about Vandebron itself, whereas 90% of CEC’s posts feature other solar energy related news which are not directly related to CEC.” Source
“As a marketeer I’m surprised by Vandebron. It’s wonderful how a brand can interact so positively with their customers and suppliers. This gives an energy boost!” Source
“Vandebron combines commerce with social relevance really well, in a logical way. The company brings forward a balanced marketingmix: its name, website, promise, nearby, zeitgeist, small, Dutch. It’s nice to see how big you can become with local relevance.” Source
Arnold Amsterdam
Intern – Creative
Clients: Volvo Global
July 2013 – October 2013
JWT Amsterdam
Trainee THINK – Creative
Clients: Bayer, Opel
February 2013 – July 2013
Usual Suspect
Intern – Creative
Clients: Greenpeace
August 2011 – June 2012
Koninklijke Boom uitgevers
Intern – Graphic designer
Clients: Gemeente Dronten, Meppeler Courant, Hospice Eesinge
August 2009 – January 2010
Marketing Mechanics
Intern – Designer
Clients: Pets Palace, Taxi 131008
January 2009 – July 2009
Drukkerij Copydruk
‘t Harde
Intern – Graphic designer
March 2008 – June 2008
Extracurricular activities
Virtual Racing School
Content creator
June 2016 — present
Virtual Racing School is an online telemetry tool for motorsport simulator, providing a platform for team collaboration, insight in data, and an academy filled with racing knowledge.
International Sim Racing Federation
Interim board member
September 2016 — present
The ISRF is created by simracers, to organise racing across all simulators and all countries, to professionalise, and to develop the eSport of simracing.
Coanda Simsport
February 2016 — March 2017
Coanda Simsport is one of the world’s top eSport and sim racing teams, winning the 2016 iRacing Blancpain GT Series World Championship, the 2016 iRacing World Championship Grand Prix Series, the 2016 iRacing 24 Hours of Le Mans and the 2016 iRacing 24 Hours of Daytona.
Badger GP
February 2015 – November 2016
August 2017
Part of the BadgerGP staff writers, focussing primarily on historical articles.
November 2009 – December 2014
In five years the website catered high quality visual design to around 21 million visitors.
“LLGD.NET has a rather nice interface, and highly qualitative and visual content. Jaap Grolleman is the man in charge, and he sailed this course for four years with his editorial choices on identity, typography, object design, fashion and photography. Treat yourself!” Source
“I found myself on website LLGD.NET for some great visual stimulation. It was one of those lunch time rabbit holes you find yourself in sometimes. no plan of where I’m go so going with the flow. This website has no interference from descriptive text — just big beautiful, tiled images. It felt like creative syrup I drank in with my eyes.” Source
iGP Manager
Social media manager
April 2013 – July 2014
iGP Manager is a massively-multiplayer online motorsport manager game.
Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Bachelor of Design
Major: Advertising
Minor: Branding
2010 – 2014
Grafisch Lyceum, Deltion ROC, Zwolle, the Netherlands
Graphic Design
2006 – 2010
Social Media Monitoring, Webcare & Publishing
Company medic
Code Academy
Social media & PR
I’ve (helped) create and spread content and press releases reaching the frontpages of Reddit, 9GAG, Dumpert, WTF1, newspapers and the NOS — and social content for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
I’ve had the honour of giving guest classes on the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, and lecturing to design and communication students from the Netherlands, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom.
Graphite Pencil – D&AD New Blood Award
Launch of the Year Award (with Vandebron) – Dutch Marketing Awards
Nominee — DJ100
Toekomstdenker OneWorld
Nomination CLIO Awards – Amnesty Unlock
3rd prize Dutch Young Creatives, Canal Company pitch
Nominated ADCN Young Talent award, ADCN
1st prize Boomerang Create, Elsevier pitch
1st prize Dutch Young Creatives, ThermaCare pitch
2nd prize Dutch Young Creatives, Radio 4 pitch
TIME’s Person of the Year
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets? – Quora Weekly Digest
‘Ik wil geen gecensureerde chips’ – OneWorld
Meer waarde toevoegen door minder te doen – MarketingFacts
Het klimaat trekt zich niets aan van grenzen – OneWorld
Consument neemt de hoofdrol in de transitie naar duurzame energievoorzieningen – DuurzaamNieuws
Internet, I love you, but you need some goddamn perspective – Quora Weekly Digest
Amnesty Unlock – Adsoftheworld
Why I hate Instagram – Bits (by The New York Times)
Innovatie als vorm van protest – Duurzaamheidskompas
Nieuwe smaken tandpasta of media met betekenis? – OneWorld
Stad met 432.610 energieleveranciers – Stadsleven
‘Waarom ben je creatief?’ – ReclameRidders & Adformatie
International Festival of Creativity (voorwaarden van toepassing) – Adformatie
What Really Matters — Change Our Thinking
Vandebron profiteert van gebrek aan ervaring in energiemarkt — Adformatie & PIM Online
Vandebron geeft marketing pas echt energie — Adformatie
Interview Vandebron — Ineziatief
Interview Vandebron — Hallo Roos
KesselsKramer lanceert campagne Vandebron — MediaNieuws
‘Vandebron wil geen geforceerde reclame maken, maar doen wat wij zelf goed vinden’ – Adformatie
Meesterklas #6: Werken bij Merken – ReclameRidders
Jaap Grolleman en Pieter van Wijk – Niks Genootschap
Discussieavond: Meer dan het bureau – ReclameRidders
Tegenlicht meet-up, Fossielvrij in Lelystad – Stadmakerij
Jaap Grolleman – Anya Asks People
Zo was het op de Dutch Marketing Awards 2016 – Adformatie
We Took A Quick Peek At This Guy’s Bed-Office And We Absolutely Loved It – Collectively
‘Advice from Three Startups’ & ‘Emerging Energy Solutions’ sessions — Disruptive Innovation Festival