A low price is a terrible premise

The five biggest supermarkets in the Netherlands – with a 70% market share – are all saying they’re the cheapest.

If such a thing could be measured, clearly four of them would be wrong.

But I must agree with them; they’re cheap. The cheapest thing they’re selling is their brand image. So, I’m glad the biggest grower in the market is one that has never said it’s cheap.

EkoPlazaIt’s EkoPlaza, which sells organic food at a fair price, not the lowest. It’s refreshing to see a supermarket successfully do this. Last year it grew with 8%, this year it’s looking good for another 10%.

And whereas I believe none of the big five supermarkets who all claim to be the cheapest, I do believe EkoPlaza, which actually stands for the quality of the food.

See, going for the lowest price is cheap, and as a brand it shows you have either no guts or no ideas. It’s a refuge, and a race to the bottom. A race with no winners.


Further reading: Don’t buy into the lowest price